Saturday, July 31, 2010

Nothing Better

There's nothing better than a baby giggling.

Shannon Loves Her Daddy from Jennifer Parrish on Vimeo.

Friday, July 30, 2010


Of course Shannon doesn't show us her best when we are recording, but this shows her new move she's been working on for about two weeks...Sometimes she does the "drop the head and push" move 4-5 times in a row and really gets somewhere. Here she manages to get off the pink mat. She's 4 months old tomorrow!

Shannon Scooting from Jennifer Parrish on Vimeo.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Our Lives

This has been a wonderful summer. I'm not ready to go back to school but I think it will be nice to see my friends again. Eric took some vacation time this week and we decided to stay at home and relax. I've had a great time and it's been wonderful to see Eric and Shannon together. Here's a typical interaction between the two...I think she's going to say "dada" first!

Shannon Loves Daddy from Jennifer Parrish on Vimeo.

Do you hear Yani playing in the background?

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Proud Shannon

Here's a higher quality video of Shannon rolling over then showing her personality.

Proud Shannon from Jennifer Parrish on Vimeo.

Monday, July 26, 2010

It worked!

Here's another video we had on Facebook but now you can view it in higher quality.

Shannon's Exercise Routine from Jennifer Parrish on Vimeo.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


For some reason the video quality when uploading to Facebook is terrible...the whole reason for buying the new iPhone 4 was to be able to quickly and easily post HD videos on Facebook for all of our far away friends and family to watch Shannon grow up. I think I've found a couple of ways around that. First, I joined a site called Vimeo which allows you to post videos for free and share them. I can email people when I post a new video, which can be cumbersome for me and the people who have to click to view a video. Fortunately the site also allows me to embed the video here on my blog. This is a test to see if I can do that. I hope it works. If so, enjoy the millions of minutes of Shannon doing exciting and not so exciting things in high definition. We hope that you can watch her grow up despite being hundreds of miles away. Enjoy!

Shannon Wants to Crawl from Jennifer Parrish on Vimeo.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Oblivion to Awareness

The title of this blog was from a friend's comment on my Facebook status that I thought truly sums up the transition Shannon went through when she hit 3 months. Those first 3 months she was fun, but oblivious to everything around her. She could sleep through anything and the only response we got was crying or smiling. Then she turned 3 months old and BOOM-she's aware of the world around her and soaks everything in. Each morning it's more fun to see her smile and begin learning. She loves to stare at Audrey, her gaze follows me around the room, and when she looks in the mirror when I'm holding her she giggles. Today marks the day when we an no longer just put her down on the carpet or on her play-mat...she rolled over both ways in a matter of minutes to get where she wanted to go. I think we have an active little girl!

Shannon loves her friends. Erin, Grady, Cecily, and Everett. It is very sweet to see Everett's eyes light up when he sees her. Normally he's quite the active and rough little boy, but when he comes close to Shannon he is gentle and usually gives her a light kiss on the forehead. Erin loves to play with her toys where Shannon can watch and Erin likes to sing songs for her. Cecily likes to talk to Shannon to make her smile. And lastly, Grady, who we have deemed "Grady Monster" likes to crawl near Shannon and there was one time he wanted to play with a soundly sleeping Shannon so he jumped on her while she was in her swing. I'm sure they will be great friends!
Here are some fun pictures from the last few weeks.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Butt Paste

I read a lot of books when I found out I was pregnant. The What to Expect Series, the more humorous Girlfriend's Guide, Ina May, How to Write a Birth Plan, just to name a few. I poured over information on the Internet (always checking with my amazing friends, Joanna and Lisa-who happen to be doctors- if something seemed off). However, nothing could have prepared me for last night. I was giving Shannon her bedtime bath and her bottom looked a little red. So I did what I normally do and reached for the Butt Paste and slathered it on. She started to get fussy and I realized she was super tired despite it only being 6:10pm. I quickly diapered and dressed her and we headed straight to the rocking chair. She was drowsy in about 5 minutes so I put her in her crib, turned out the light, and left the room. I should have gone straight to bed myself since I had been up since 5:45am and the day had included a fast 30 mile bike ride. Instead I rubbed my eyes and decided to stick it out since the Chastains were over for dinner.
Did anyone catch the issue here? Yes, I SLATHERED Butt Paste on my baby's butt and did not wash my hands before rubbing my tired eyes. I had given her a bath so I wasn't thinking about washing my hands like I do the other hundred times a day. All through dinner I couldn't figure out why my eye was red, itchy, dry, and causing me to see white halos around lights. I started to get worried because it wasn't getting any better so I started washing my eye out with water, like we do with kids in the chemistry lab when a chemical splashes in their face. After each wash my eye would dry out again but finally, after about 10 minutes of continuous washing, I noticed a white gooey substance in my eyelashes. Hmmmm I thought....Butt Paste! No wonder my eye was so dry! Throughout the night little globs of the stuff migrated to the corner of my eye for me to remove. I was ok by morning as all the Butt Paste seemed to be gone but be warned, no book or Internet article about having a baby will prepare you for getting Butt Paste in your eye.
Here are some pictures from recent weeks. We have been having so much fun blowing raspberries on her tummy and hearing her giggle. Each morning we go into her room and she gives us huge smiles. She's also holding her head up all the way (has been since about two months) and is very intent when she watches what's going on around her. Oh, and she is sleeping through the night (for the most part) so Eric and I are a little less sleep deprived these days.

She holds onto us tight as she soothes herself to sleep. Once she's in her own crib she holds an imaginary hand. It's really sweet.

This is in the morning. She is so animated and happy when she wakes up, even if we aren't quite awake yet.

Shannon loves her daddy. Eric is amazing with her and is the one who gets up to check on her if she wakes at night. Usually all he has to do is put the pacifier back in her mouth and she drifts right back to sleep. She's an amazing baby.

She is quite the talker and I caught her talking to me in this photo.
Here she is live (14 weeks old tomorrow). I accidentally stopped recording a few seconds early but you get the idea. She's been doing this since right before she turned 2 months old but this is the first time I caught it on video.