Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Another Blizzard?

Last week was amazing with more snowfall than I have ever seen on the plains here in Colorado. I was making dinner on Monday night wondering when we would see another storm like our last blizzard. On Tuesday morning I turned on the tv to my favorite station (The Weather Channel of course) and hear that we might be in store for another blizzard. Remember though, there have been forecasts for Greeley blizzards that turned into 3-6 inches of beautiful powder that melted in 48 hours. That included the blizzard of 2003. I don't know how I feel about more snow. The roads are still bumpy with packed snow (Greeley doesn't believe in plowing or salting side streets) and I have the next two weeks off so there is no hope of another snow day. The dogs would welcome another dumping of snow so they could play "smackdown" with Eric.

Eric and I are hoping to go to the museum of Nature and Science this weekend so I hope the snow doesn't keep us from being the nerds we are. Will we see another foot of snow tomorrow and Friday? I'll keep you posted.

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