Sunday, April 18, 2010

18 days but who is counting?

So these last 18 days have all seemed like one big blur. The sun setting and rising doesn't really matter and we can't seem to remember what day we did what. That's a result of Shannon eating at least every 3 hours leading to our sleep deprived state. You can watch others go through the newborn phase and people can tell you how difficult it is but you have no idea until you've been there. I would have never thought I could fall asleep while still rocking a crying, squirming baby or that I can be woken by the faint sigh of a baby. But here we are, having survived through day 18, and wondering what's in store next. Hopefully some sleep...

Here are some pictures of this week. She didn't seem to mind her first tub bath too much but for some reason she doesn't seem to like the bouncy seat! We also went on our first walk in the "Snugli."

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