Thursday, April 15, 2010


Those of you who know me know that patience is not one of my strengths and I'm a control freak. When I want something I go out and get it. When I think of something to do I get it done. When others don't work at the pace I want them to I get mad or somehow try to motivate them to work harder. I've tried to improve this part of my demeanor but nothing ever seems to work.

Then along came Shannon.

I've had to learn to relax, slow down, and just BE. When she's crying and nothing can calm her down I just have to be patient and wait. That's really hard for me and I realize that as she's napping in my arms and all I can think about is what I need to do next or that there's something else I should be doing. I can't control when she wants to eat, sleep, and especially poop. She's teaching me to live in the moment and just enjoy her. I have a feeling this is the first of many lessons this little one is going to be teaching me!

And of course here are some more pictures.

"Enjoying" her first sponge bath at home.

We think she's pretty cute. She seems so tiny right now!

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