Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Best Summer Ever

Summer usually means taking classes, research, landscaping, gardening, and filling the remainder of my time with something. This summer has been very different, and I've liked it. Morning starts early, sometimes before 6am, because Shannon doesn't know summer is a time to sleep past 8. Once she's chattering in her room so much I can't sleep through it, I go into her room and am welcomed by her beautiful smile. I pick her up, change her diaper, and feed her. Then we head to the living room where Shannon plays (which means smiling at everything I say and rolling over) and we turn on the radio to listen to the news. Then it's off to put her in her swing while I sing some tune where I substitute her name for the lyrics, and brew some MUCH needed coffee. My favorite part of the morning happens next when we head outside to sit in a rocking chair on the front porch and talk to each other (yes, she does babble back) about the trees, the types of clouds we see, what color cars drive by, and the many species of birds that land in our yard-all while I sip my coffee. It doesn't get much better.
I'll be sad when the summer is over and I have to get up early and head to work instead of hanging out with Shannon. I'm glad she has taught me how to slow down and enjoy beautiful summer mornings. This has been the best summer ever.

Spinning Her Wheels from Jennifer Parrish on Vimeo.

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