Sunday, August 22, 2010

Summer is REALLY over

I decided that since today was officially the last day of my summer (my last Sunday before the craziness of school begins) I would go for a relaxing bike ride to the Bungalow. The trip out was nice, despite my late start (I got up with Shannon around 6:15 and let Eric sleep in). After sipping my coffee I hopped on my bike to hit the trail back, since it's always safer to ride on the trail versus the road. I compete with myself to keep my speed above 17 mph even though the trail has lots of curves. I was doing fine until I tried to take a sharp curve like I've seen Lance do in the Tour with my speed pretty high. I leaned a little into it and before I knew it I heard a pop, my front wheel slid out from under me, and I hit the trail with my right hip and proceeded to skid across the trail, still clipped into my bike. I haven't experienced anything like that since my college days when I thought I could roller blade down the Coliseum sidewalk...some of you might remember that. I pushed the bike off me, unclipped, and checked for any broken bones. That's when I noticed blood streaming down my leg and off my arm.

As soon as I started walking my wounds swelled up and I realized I hurt all over. Thankful that I was wearing my padded bike gloves and my helmet I slowly walked my bike to the next road intersection and called Eric to come pick me up. It wasn't until I was sitting under a tree in the shade that I noticed my baby Trek was as beat up as I was. The handle bars were bent and I suspected that the fork or frame could be cracked. I'll take her in tomorrow to see what the damage is but I'm afraid she may not have survived. That makes me really sad...but at least I got a good workout in and I still have my Hoo-Ha.
After coming home we decided to give Shannon her first solids. Here are some fun pictures and a cute video of her sitting up on her own and then tasting her first bowl of rice cereal.

Shannon's First "Solid" Food! from Jennifer Parrish on Vimeo.

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