Friday, June 11, 2010


Shannon is just like her mommy. Eric will tell you our little girl inherited my digestive system, stubbornness, and smile. I think she inherited those things but she is most like me in that she likes to go to bed early and get up early! I've always functioned best if I could be asleep before 9pm and wake up early. Even as a little girl I was always out the door as the sun came up looking for an adventure. My mom tells stories of me getting up with the sun to head out to the strawberry patch to eat up all the berries before anyone else had a chance. I remember climbing trees, building forts, riding bikes, and picking mulberries with my neighbor, Camie, who also liked getting up early. Before Shannon there were times I'd work out at 5am and most times, as long as I went to bed early enough, I didn't mind. Going to bed early...oh I wish!
Shannon is going to bed around 8:30 or so and waking up around 4 (give or take an hour) to eat. There are some nights she wakes around 1 to eat too, but I'm seeing a pattern- 8-4. There are so many things to do before I can go to bed I usually end up getting about 6 hours of sleep, if I'm lucky. Don't get me wrong, this amount of sleep is wonderful compared to those first 6 weeks (how did we manage to function???) and we are enjoying every minute of Shannon. Until I can get 8 consecutive hours of shut-eye please forgive my mommy brain.
I don't have any recent pictures but here is a family portrait that is one of my favorites. I think Shannon is almost 7 weeks in this one. Night night!

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