Sunday, September 12, 2010


I remember posting last fall, talking about how I felt so sick all the time and thought I understood how much our lives were going to change. Luckily this fall I feel better than ever (and will celebrate this with a beer at Oktoberfest!) and I was right about how much our lives would change-but I didn't know the change would be so wonderful. Sure, I go to bed by 9 each night and wake up around 6 (if I'm lucky), our lives revolve around a baby we are trying to get on a nap schedule, and most of my days are spent washing laundry and bottles or making sure Shannon has had enough to eat. But the wonderful part is when I see her amazing smile in the morning and how she wiggles with delight when she sees me. And then there's the cuddling, her little fingers gripping mine, as I rock her into a drowsy state for her naps. Oh, and the beautiful walks we go on around the park on these crisp fall afternoons. I almost forgot to mention her belly laughs and giggles, especially at Eric when he gets home from work. It just doesn't get much better and for the first time in my life I've slowed down to enjoy each day rather than looking ahead to what's next.
I'm also feeling better physically than I have in a long time and have been doing some intense biking. I'm feeling so good I'm even considering registering for the Nashville half-marathon and then possibly doing a few sprint triathlons late next summer.
That's what's been going on around here and here are some pictures and videos from the last few weeks.
Here's Shannon sporting her new BumGenius diapers. I had no idea that cloth diapers had come so far and wish I had switched sooner!

Shannon isn't really interested in solids but we are practicing with rice cereal each day. She likes the funny noises I make as I try to get her to open her mouth.

Each morning Shannon goes over to Erin & Grady's house. She loves watching the chaos they create and when they come over to her house to play. I think they will be great friends!

We had a picnic today and Shannon enjoyed chilling out looking cute. She's such a great baby!

Shannon adores Eric! Here they are listening to Shane this morning.

Erin & Shannon from Jennifer Parrish on Vimeo.

Shany from Jennifer Parrish on Vimeo.

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