Friday, September 24, 2010

The Real Jeneric Adventure

As you can see in the picture above, the weather has been beautiful here in Colorado so Shannon and I have been enjoying being outside whenever we can. We hang out in our yard on a blanket and she seems to soak everything in. She notices butterflies, birds, and squirrels as they travel through our yard and her eyes track any car that drives by. She loves to watch the trees sway in the breeze and I wonder if this is a sign she'll love the outdoors like I do. It sounds crazy to think that something so seemingly insignificant as focusing on trees would indicate her future interests, but I remember baby Erin being fascinated with letters at this age and sure enough, Erin (age 3) can practically read! Shannon is such an intense little girl for being so young. I can't wait to get to know her and see who she will become. I feel like she really wants to tell me things now! It's daunting to think of the responsibility we have to raise this little girl but we can't imagine anything better. Eric and I love her fiercely and this adventure has been the best yet. I don't think we knew what a real Jeneric adventure was until we met Shannon.

Here's our little muncher!

Muncher from Jennifer Parrish on Vimeo.

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