Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Shannon is finally getting more excited about rice cereal!

Lunch from Jennifer Parrish on Vimeo.

Earlier in the day she spent time with her buddies, Erin & Grady. It's understandable why she is so hungry and sleepy when I pick her up-her friends are so fun to watch! The next video below is funny because I intended to record Erin saying the parts of her plane (the first one that's hard to catch is indeed "fuselage") but instead we are now cracking up at a pants-less Grady being typical Grady. A few minutes earlier he decided it would be a good idea to sit in a mud puddle.

If you watch the video closely you can actually see the popcorn. He's such a funny kid!

Erin explains her plane from Jennifer Parrish on Vimeo.

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